5 Second-Hand Stores to Visit in Fort Collins

Alex Gusdorf
4 min readJan 12, 2021

These days, thrift shopping is as popular as ever. Whether you’re looking for a cheap way to get some retail therapy or want to spice up your wardrobe, second hand shopping is a great option. Luckily for Fort Colonists, there are over a dozen options to shop from. There are stores that range from specialties like furniture and media or to a hodge-podge of everything. Here are 5 great second-hand stores to shop from in Fort Collins.

Brand Spanking used:

Brand Spanking used is your typical thrift store. They have it all. The variety of clothes gives everyone in the store an opportunity to find something to wear from head to toe. I am particularly a fan of the section of jean jackets they have on display. Wander down into the lower half of the store to find things to use around the house. There is a large selection of wall art, books, kids toys, and more. Located on college Avenue, Brand Spanking Used is a stop worth taking while on an adventure through old town.

On To You:

On To You is a hidden gem in Fort Collins. Walking into the store, you are immediately bombarded with a culturally rich atmosphere. There is a vast array of wall art, decorative tables and other unique furniture from around the world. The entire store is controlled chaos, with the collection of vintage… Though much of the store has a price tag to match the awesomeness of its items, the keen thrifter would be able to piece together a fantastic assortment of items to boost a room’s aesthetic.

Wear it Again Sam:

This small shop in the middle of Old Town is surely a store one must stop in, even just for looks. The store carries a well curated assortment of vintage clothing, of which its owner boasts, contains only clothing from the 1970’s and before. It is filled with elegant dresses and eye-catching accessories. Though most the items in the store might not be within everyone's price range, it’s a wonderful store to walk around in. And if you're ever in need of a costume, the specialize in costumes from around the world as well.

Bizarre Bazaar:

Bizarre Bazaar is a haven for readers, music lovers and anyone who just loves a good treasure hunt. One could spend hours in the store and have only moved a few feet. The store is bursting at the seams with books, records, movies and more. They even repair old audio equipment for those who are going the extra mile to authentically listen to those records. If you're really strapped for cash, Bizarre Bazaar has still got you. The store is committed to making sure books find a home through their free books cart outside the store.

Eco Thrift:

Eco thrift is a wonderful thrift store on the outskirts of old town. They are dedicated to extending the life of items by keeping them out of the landfills and bringing them to your home. They offer a large selection of small appliances, home décor, and other nick knacks that are used around the home. In addition to a high quality selection of products, Eco Thrift also has a working Tool Library. For less than $9 a month, members can check out all sorts of tools the same way they would at a regular library. This is just one part of their many ways of helping out the community.

