Why everyone should be thrift shopping more.

Alex Gusdorf
4 min readJan 12, 2021

As we navigate through an endless barrage of content where everything is vying for our attention, we have become trained to quickly scan things around us and come up with judgment quickly. Because of this, the world we live in is now more than ever focused on looks. Being focused on looks is nothing new. What is new is that the playing field has become a lot more level for everyone. This is both a good and bad thing. It is good because people are able to express themselves however they want, and usually at a decent price. However, the reason the clothing is so affordable is because of the fast fashion. This is harmful to the the environment and also the workers who are creating the clothing. An easy solution to these problems is shopping at local second-hand stores. Shopping at thrift stores still allow people to express themselves fashionably while remaining as a cheap option that is also sustainable.

There's something wonderful about finding a perfect article of clothing from a thrift store. Knowing you found something that you connect with that no one else has is special. Tailoring together a wardrobe that is totally representative of you shows off what is special about you. It can be a wonderful confidence booster. One doesn't need to be a fashion icon to do this. As long as you are collecting pieces of clothing that you feel comfortable being you in, you've made the right choice. Of course, this same effect could be achieved by buying clothes off the rack at Walmart or special ordered from the Gucci website. I of course love ordering from McDonalds as well as feasting on a meal from a fancy steak house. But the feeling I get from cooking for myself is a different one that cannot be derived from the other options. This is the same feeling one gets from composing a wardrobe from second-hand stores. Knowing you picked out a style that you liked because you actually liked it, not based off of what the fashion industry is telling you that you liked. This is why thrift shopping is truly the best way to express yourself through fashion.

If the altruistic feeling about self discovery from the section above seems too abstract, there is something much more easy to understand that shopping at a thrift store can do for you: save money. We can all understand the necessity for saving money. Of course when it comes to saving money by shopping at a second-hand store, most people’s concerns become that the quality will match the low price. There is no set in stone way to price used items but generally stores will not accept clothes that aren't in good condition. At the end of the day, a store needs to keep up its own image and selling low quality items does not aid them in that. And of course, not all of your wardrobe has to be from a Goodwill. With the money you save by shopping at thrift stores more often, you might decide to splurge on an article of clothing you would not normally be able to afford when only buying new clothes. So overall, when deciding to go for clothes that are slightly used, you get more clothes and save more money.

Speaking of money, we all know that it runs the world. Or at least we can all agree that it has a complex effect on our lives and the world around us. So when a large group of people switch from shopping for brand new clothes to thrifting, it will affect the fashion industry. The demand for new clothes will decrease, prompting companies to invest less into fast fashion and more into higher quality and longer lasting attire. This push back will allow for less materials being made through unsustainable methods. It will also allow better working conditions for the workers who manufacture the clothing as they wont have to cut corners in order to keep up with the demand. With less clothes being in circulation, this also means less unwanted clothes will end up being disposed of and end up in landfills. Choosing to shop second-hand will create long lasting change to one of the largest global industries and create a sustainable world for everyone.

Thrifting is an activity with many benefits to many parties. Many of the reasons listed above can go hand in had with each other. Creating higher quality shirts that last longer thanks to more sustainable choices, the selections at second hand thrift stores will only continue to increase. Saving money by buying from thrift stores allows you to expand your wardrobe and create an even more expressive assortment of attire. Picking out clothes from thrift stores because it’s what you know you like will eventually force the industry to bend to the consumer’s will and begin practicing sustainable habits. Choosing to thrift has so many benefits that one would be foolish not to try it. Of course many of these benefits come when more and more people decide to make the switch in their life. This is why everyone should start shopping at thrift stores now.

